Replace npm & yarn with 👀

Nazhim Kalam
Enlear Academy
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2024


Bun: The Fast and Furious Package Manager

Bun positions itself as an all-in-one JavaScript runtime with a built-in, blazing-fast package manager.

Here are some of its key features:

  • Speed Demon: Bun utilizes a global cache and optimizes system calls to significantly reduce installation times, compared to NPM and yarn.
  • Seamless Integration: Bun is NPM-compatible, meaning you can use existing package.json files and many NPM commands with bun replacing npm.
  • Hot Reloading: Bun offers built-in hot reloading for JavaScript and TypeScript, eliminating the need for additional tools like Nodemon.
  • Built-in Web Server: Bun includes a web server, allowing you to run your application directly without needing a separate server process. A Speedy New Contender in the JavaScript Packaging Arena

The world of JavaScript development is full of tools, and package managers are no exception. We’ve all become familiar with NPM (Node Package Manager) and yarn, but a new challenger has entered the ring:

Bun boasts impressive speed, claiming to be orders of magnitude faster than its competitors when it comes to installing dependencies. This article will delve into what Bun offers and how it compares to NPM and Yarn.

Bun: The Fast and Furious Package Manager

Bun positions itself as an all-in-one JavaScript runtime with a built-in, blazing-fast package manager. Here are some of its key features:

  • Speed Demon: Bun utilizes a global cache and optimizes system calls to significantly reduce installation times compared to NPM and yarn.
  • Seamless Integration: Bun is NPM-compatible, meaning you can use existing package.json files and many NPM commands with bun replacing npm.
  • Hot Reloading: Bun offers built-in hot reloading for JavaScript and TypeScript, eliminating the need for additional tools like Nodemon.
  • Built-in Web Server: Bun includes a web server, allowing you to run your application directly without needing a separate server process.

Bun vs. NPM and Yarn: A Comparative Ring

While Bun is a promising newcomer, it’s important to compare it to the established players:

  • Speed: Bun takes the clear lead here. Benchmarks show it significantly outpaces NPM and yarn in installation times.
Speed Comparison Chart
  • Features: NPM and yarn offer a wider range of features beyond package management, while Bun is still under development.
  • Maturity: NPM and yarn have a larger, more mature ecosystem of packages and tooling. Bun is still building its community and resources.

Choosing Your Champion

If raw speed is your top priority, Bun is a compelling choice. Its npm compatibility makes it easy to switch, and features like hot reloading add convenience. However, npm and yarn’s established ecosystems and wider feature sets can’t be ignored.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your project’s needs. For new projects prioritizing speed and simplicity, Bun is worth exploring. For established projects heavily reliant on npm or yarn’s features, it might be wise to stick with the familiar tools for now.

Bun is still young, but its focus on speed and ease of use makes it a development to watch. As it matures and its ecosystem grows, Bun could become a serious contender in the JavaScript packaging world.



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